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Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Sebastian ha salido bien de su operacion correctiva!

Sebastian ha salido bien de su operacion correctiva!
Estimados amigos Nuestras seinceras disculpas por no haberles informado del estado de salud de Sebastian por tanto tiempo. Agradecemos nuevamente sus oraciones, llamadas, mensajes y atenciones que hemos recibido durante estos cinco meses y dieciocho dias de angustia.

En nombre de sus felices papas y toda la familia agradecemos su apoyo invaluable. No saben cuanta emocion es sentir que por fin tenemos a nuestro pequeno Sebastian con nosotros en casa sano y sin temor a que cualquier senal sea motivo de una Carrera de emergencia al hospital, como lo hemos vivido en estos pasados meses. Dios nos pone pruebas en el camino que definitivamente necesitamos para abrir los ojos y darnos cuenta de lo maravilloso que es tener todas las bendiciones que la mayoría del tiempo tomamos por sentado. La salud en tu hijito tan pequeño es sin duda una de las cosas mas lindas y maravillosas que agradeceré cada dia a Dios.

Little Sebastian right before going for his third operation.

No tengo palabras para explicar lo duro que es ver a tu bebe de tan corta edad luchar por su vida y ser tan valiente con tremenda intervención en el órgano mas importante que necesitamos, el corazón. Cuando esta lección la aprendes del bebe que acabas de traer al mundo con tan pocos días de nacido en su primera y segunda operación y pocos meses de nacido en su tercera operación de corazón abierto, la vida tiene otro significado o la existencia en general. Sebastian ha luchado  con firmeza y perseverancia puesta en la realización de su vida ,Sebastian nos ha ensenado a que hay que luchar dia a dia, nos caemos, nos levantamos y de eso se trata el vivir, porque vivir es seguir.

A veces solo tenemos que cerrar lo ojos y confiar en Dios, quien es el que nos pone estas pruebas tan fuertes y extraordinarias y seguir el camino con mucha fe y fuerza. Afortunadamente somo personas positivas y practicar y desarrollar el pensamiento positivo es la mejor fuente para sentirse vivos, fuertes y poder hacer frente a todo lo que venga.

 Esta experiencia nos ha ensenado como nuevos papas, como pareja y como familia que en la vida hay que asumir que las cosas no siempre son como queremos que sean, pero ese detalle de dificultad es el que nos da el golpe para aprender y estar agradecidos de una manera  total y completa.

Little Sebastian in ICU

No se si saben lo difícil que es sufrir en silencio, pero eso es por lo que hemos pasado desde que Sebatian nacio, ya que teníamos que estar fuertes y valientes ante tremendo campeón como es el. Ahora gracias a Dios lo peor ya ha pasado y podemos festejar con alegría y gozo la bienvenida de nuestro hijo feliz y sano.

Gracias a todas las personas especiales que han intervenido de manera incondicional en esta etapa de nuestras vidas, GRACIAS por estar en nuestras vidas y ser un gran apoyo. SEBASTIAN ha sido el angelito de sus oraciones por estos meses y esto se los agradecemos de todo CORAZON.

Un abrazo muy fuerte

Showing good signs of recovery

Saturday, 16 November 2013

2 Months and Still Fighting.

Little Sebastian getting his check ups, nothing gets past this guy he is alway so aware of whats going on!

Two months ago baby Sebastian blessed us by coming into this world. Although he would enter this world under difficult circumstances, his fight has been heard around the globe as a testimony to life.

Sebastian reached two months old, he is one tough little guy. This past month we have watched him get stronger, eat more and start to put on weight. He has had numerous doctors visits, all going quite well. They say his little heart’s pulmonary artery is growing well, which puts him in good shape for the corrective surgery. Overall they say in the scope of conditions as serious as Tetralogy of fallot, Sebastian has “Good anatomy” among the cases they have seen. We are thrilled they are saying this, as this means after the corrective procedure his prognosis is positive. 

Sebastian is such a special little baby, he is very keen, rehabilitation has shown no signs of any brain damage, despite his early on low oxygen levels and  his near death episode during his second surgery.  He continues to amaze us with his sweet happy personality. He laughs and smiles a lot now and even tries to communicate in his baby language.

Sebastian did the most amazing thing the other day, at only 6 weeks old, we were feeding him and he put both hands on the bottle picked it up and started feeding himself. This is so encouraging for us as it shows his brain is developing good motor skills, which is always a concern when babies have gone through low oxygenation levels as Sebastian has.

Sebastian with his favorite animal Mr. Monkey   |   Sebastian with Alicia "self feeding" holding the bottle on his own!

We are so very thankful to all of you for your support and loving care to baby Sebastian as he fights this battle for life. We are getting closer to the date in which he needs to get his final corrective surgery, and he still needs your help to get the proper care he needs. If you feel inclined, please help him by asking your friends to donate so we can reach the goal. We so greatly appreciate all you have done.

God Bless you and your families.


Simon, Alicia and Sebastian.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

1 MONTH OLD | Sebastian is past his first major life marker

The little Sailor Sebastian has made it past his first month of life! This is a major life marker for him, as generally if they make it past the first 30 days they become significantly stronger and more resilient to what life brings their way. We are so so overjoyed to be able to celebrate his one month marker with him in good recovery and health. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and support. He is getting stronger (And Fatter) each day as we progress to his next surgery.

Happy Sunday to you and your families.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

In the Name of the Father, The Symphony of Healing

Peacefully sleeps during his blessing

A tribute to the prayers and care of friends and family worldwide, lay witness to baby Sebastian’s recovery from his first surgeries. God is our chef maestro, as he plays his symphony of healing.

Little Sebastian craves all the prayer he can get, which nourishes his soul like his mothers milk fuels his flesh. Father Guillermo came to our home yesterday to lay his hands on Sebastian in a prayer of healing. As we gathered around, Sebastian laid softly in his crib in a deep sleep; oh how sweetness feels my soul to see him sleep peacefully without forceful breaths. As he laid, Father Jose, Alicia and I stood by his bedside, laying our hands his soft red hair. In glorified silence the father prayed for his healing.  He gave us a blessed handkerchief blessed by Padre José Guadalupe Santos, which we laid over the sleeping angel. Protected by love, which transcends from above, and flows from the hearts of people who care, Sebastian forges on. 

We want to thank all of you not just for your support but also for your thoughts and prayers. So many of you have reached out with encouraging words, we are so touched by the warm kindness and care each of you have shown for our precious little baby. We flight the battle side-by-side the little warrior as he continues to impress us daily with his resilience and fortitude. Life is such a beautiful thing, God gives us the patience and strength for each moment, he engineers our bodies so strong, yet at the same time so fragile that only he can fix them. The pride we have he often burns, so that only his power stands in our ashes. We are grateful for this experience, howbeit difficult, so that through it, his greater purpose may be revealed.

We send you all our warmest regards and love to each member of your family.


Simon and Alicia.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Sebastian is doing better then ever…..he is off Oxygen support now!!

Leaving the hospital oxygen test without Oxygen support!

Since 20 minutes after his birth little Sebastian has been on some form of oxygen support. But not anymore,  he is finally off oxygen after the 24 hour observation oxygen test at the hospital, the little warrior passed with flying colors. He is in around 85% oxygenation, which is excellent considering he has been in the low 70% even with oxygen at times before (Normal percentage is 97%). We have him home now, and it’s a blessing to see him without the tubes in his nose, such a handsome little guy with a full head of hair. I joke that he has more hair then his daddy, ha . Thanks to all of your prayers. After his final surgery he should be in a normal % of Oxygenation, which we are really looking forward to.

Just look at how much progress he has been through, from hand pumped respirator to breathing snuggly in his mothers arms on his own!
Little Sebastian has progressed so much

Monday, 7 October 2013

The Snuggle of a mother

First Time Alicia has been able to lay side by side with little Sebastian. 

First we want to thank each of you so much for your kindness and support for little baby Sebastian. We are truly grateful and amazed at the sympathy in everyone’s hearts.

Big day, today we are in the hospital for 24 hours to test how Sebastian responds without oxygen support. So-far-so-good. Also it’s kind of cool because at home we have him always in a crib or nursing on the coach, and since we have to have him in a sterile room, he is confined to only his room, so Alicia has never laid next to him.
Like in the photo above the crib in the hospital room is huge, so mother and child are now joined for the first time in a soft side-by-side snuggle. It’s so sweet I love it! 

Sebastian is such a warrior his oxygenation level so far is great, without oxygen support he seams to be doing fine. If the oxygenation stays the same throughout the 24hour test it will show that he is getting way stronger after his second surgery. Specifically it would mean his lungs have recovered by the damage he undertook when they had him on the respirator after his second surgery. It also shows that the blood flow hemodynamics are stable, meaning the second surgery outcome has been exceptional. All this is excellent news in preparation for his second surgery.

Alicia’s mother “Grandma” is here, she has been a huge logistic support during the entire journey of little Sebastian. We love you Dona Alicia!.

We are looking into more details of his next surgery and evaluating the best options for his care. We will update everyone on this and details of how the fundraiser supports every aspect of his healthcare.

We send lots of love to all of you


Simon & Alicia.